Content Summary

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  1. European News
    • Gibraltar: Deposit guarantee
    • Isle of Man: LLC Amendments
    • UK: GAAR support withdrawn
    • UK: The Edwards review
    • Ireland: IRNRs abolished
  2. USA & Caribbean News
    • UK Overseas: White Paper
    • St. Vincent: New laws approved
    • Anguilla: Acorn on stream
    • Belize: Offshore package tabled
    • BVI: 1,400 mutual funds registered
    • Nevis: New licensing requirement
  3. Far East News
    • Singapore: Banking liberalisation
    • Hong Kong: Basic law questions
    • Cook Islands: Trusts amendments
    • UAE: Abu Dhabi free trade zone
    • Seychelles: Mutual funds Act
  4. Legal News
    • Italy: Pavarotti residence case
    • Bermuda: Thyssen privilege case
    • UK: Foreign revenue not inforced
    • Bahamas: Free-standing Mareva
    • Hong Kong: Anti-avoidance ruling
  5. Fiscal News
    • Denmark: Holding company regime
    • Malta: Tax treaty with Denmark
    • Cyprus: Tax treaty with South Africa
    • Cyprus: Tax treaty with Russia
    • Ireland: New withholding tax
  6. Special Report
    • Gibraltar & the OECD
    • Group adviser John L. Hodgson examines the issues
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