Content Summary

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  1. European News
    • Gibraltar rejects UK proposals for joint sovereignty with Spain
    • Jersey and Isle of Man move on companies legislation
  2. USA & Caribbean News
    • Bahamas to table new financial services legislation
    • US issues amended regulations for disclosure of tax shelter transactions
    • BVI to impose restrictions on bearer shares
  3. Far East News
    • South Africa brings Financial Intelligence Centre Act into force
    • Singapore moves to one-tier corporate tax system
  4. Legal News
    • FATF removes Russia, Dominica, Niue & Marshall Islands from NCCT list
    • Guernsey court establishes significant new rights for beneficiaries
    • Isle of Man directors settle breach of duty suit
  5. Fiscal News
    • EU threatens Swiss sanctions to save Savings Tax Directive
    • Cyprus enacts a new Income Tax Law
  6. Special Report
    • New acquisition strengthens Sovereign Asset Management
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