Tax Residency Programme Comparison Chart

Tax Residency Programmes provide preferential rates for new residents and/or non-domiciled individuals who establish tax residency. Some programmes also provide residency status whilst, if need be, others can be established in conjunction with a residency programme listed above.

Please choose up to three countries from the drop-down boxes below.

Special Tax Status for New ResidentsYes
Time Applicable17 years
Income Tax TypeWorldwide
Minmum Tax Payable Per AnnumNA
Perferential Tax rates (locally generated income)Yes
Perferential Tax rates (internationally generated income)Yes
Corproate Taxation2.5 - 12.5%
Wealth TaxesNone
Inheritance TaxesNone
Captial Gains Taxes on Foreign AssetsNone Except Cyprus property
Dividend Income Earned AboradNone
Qualifying Requirements
Must not have been Resident for5 years or more
Must Establish Residency Prior to QualificationYes
Minimum Annual Stay Requirement60 Days (i)
Investment Real EstatePurchase a Primary Residence
Alternative Property Lease Option- Per Annumor Lease a Primary Residence
Additional Investment RequirementNA
Minimum Annual IncomeNA
Mininum Net WorthNA

(i) Must not stay more than 183 days per annum within another jurisdiction

(ii) Purchase €220,000 or lease €8,750 for property situated in Gozo or the south of Malta.

(iii) Only on income remited above €100,000

(iv) Spouses, descendants and ascendants are exempted

(v) Plus €25,000 for each qualifying family member

(vi) Does not apply to capital gains realized upon transferring non-Italian “qualified” shareholdings within 5 years of electing for this programme.

(vii) Plus €20,000 for each qualifying family member

(viii) Into Greek assets (land, buildings,real estate development projects, shares, AIF parts, State Bonds)

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