Webinar – UK Succession and Retirement Planning

In Events

Sponsored by Sovereign


Laurence Lancaster, Group Head of Tax, The Sovereign Group

The UK continues to present significant challenges for private clients seeking to plan for retirement or pass wealth down to the next generation. Those expats who have retained their UK domicile face the prospect of paying 40% tax in the UK on their worldwide estate despite potentially having no assets in the UK and having not lived there for many years. Law changes in recent years have made estate and retirement planning more challenging even for non-UK domiciles holding assets in the UK indirectly (for example, where a company holds UK residential property).

This webinar will focus on estate planning strategies by illustrating how trusts, Qualifying Non-UK Pension Scheme, buy-to-let residential property investments, as well as family investment companies can be used to mitigate UK Inheritance tax exposure for UK doms and non-doms.

About the speakers

Laurence (LLB, LLM, TEP) is a non-practising UK barrister, specialising in UK private client and pensions taxation. His typical clients are high net worth individuals who require tax mitigation strategies and tax advice. His specialist areas include: advising on individuals’ UK residence and domicile status; UK tax treatment of trusts and other structures including close companies and life insurance policies; UK’s pension tax regime; taxation of UK residential property; estate planning; and double taxation treaty advice. As Head of Tax for The Sovereign Group, he helps devise internal tax policies and strategy with a particular focus on UK tax compliance.





For details on how to join the webinar and pricing please click here

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