Bank of Mauritius joins Groupe des Superviseurs Bancaires Francophones

Members of the Groupe des Superviseurs Bancaires Francophones (GSBF) unanimously approved a request by the Bank of Mauritius to join the supervisory association at their last meeting in September 2020.

The role of the GSBF is to reinforce interaction and consultation between French-speaking supervisors and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), which is the main global standard setter for the prudential regulation of banks. The GBSF also focuses on international reforms and enabling members to elaborate strategies for optimal implementation.

Bank of Mauritius Governor Harvesh Seegolam said: “International cooperation is high on the agenda of the Bank of Mauritius. Joining the GSBF is the latest development on that front. The aim is to foster mutually beneficial ties with other central banks, supervisory and regulatory authorities and international institutions. Through this membership, we will benefit from the experience of other jurisdictions, particularly in matters pertaining to operational resilience of banks and financial institutions, sustainable finance and climate transition, and cyber risks.”

The GSBF comprises of 34 member jurisdictions across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Administratively, the GSBF is managed by the General Secretariat of the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentielet de Résolution, under the aegis of the Banque de France.

Contact Vidish Jugurnauth

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