Assistance for Self-Employed individuals at Sovereign Tax Services Gibraltar

Having your own business has often been liked to having a dependent, and you are the best person to know what vision, hopes and aspirations you have for your ‘baby’. You know what direction you want it develop in, where you see it being able to flourish and make a mark.

However, there are necessary registrations and tax obligations which you will need to know about and which you won’t necessarily be well versed in, particularly if you are new to Gibraltar or if this is your first business.

As a self-employed person, you are responsible for registering appropriately with the relevant bodies in Gibraltar, which requires providing a range of documentation in order to obtain necessary licences and register for employment and tax purposes.

Navigating the complexities of what is required can be daunting, but with our guidance throughout this process, you can establish yourself as self-employed in Gibraltar efficiently, enabling you to get started on creating and developing your business.

Sovereign Tax Services are a Gibraltar based tax compliance and advisory firm, specialising in providing personal tax and residency services to Gibraltar private clients and UK tax services to non-UK residents. They can manage Gibraltar self-employment registrations for you, along with annual Gibraltar tax compliance, providing peace of mind and avoiding tax headaches!

Sovereign Tax Services are registered with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission. Sovereign Tax Services is a trading name of Sovereign Fiscalis Limited, Sovereign Place, 117 Main Street, Gibraltar, Company Registration Number 84307.

For more information, please contact Lynette Chaudhary Below.

Contact Lynette Chaudhary

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Please contact us if you have any questions or queries and your local representative will be in touch with you as soon as possible.