Mauritius FSC extends filing deadlines for financial statements and returns

The Mauritius Financial Services Commission has extended the filing due dates for licensees up to 30 June 2021 for financial statements and statutory returns and 30 September 2021 for risk management framework, auditor’s report and actuary report (RMF) returns.

The FSC said it was aware that the current lockdown/ COVID-19 curfew period was having a significant impact on its licensees, resulting in practical constraints that might significantly impair their ability to file and publish their returns. Administrative penalties will not be levied provided that licensees comply with their filing requirements within the extended timeline.

The FSC was re-elected in February to the Monitoring Group Steering Committee (MG-SC) of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) as the Africa-Middle East Regional Committee (AMERC) representative for the term 2021-2022.

The FSC Mauritius is an Ordinary Member of the IOSCO and held a seat on the IOSCO MG-SC as the largest user of the IOSCO Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Consultation and Cooperation and the Exchange of Information (MMoU) for the AMERC region since September 2018.

Collaboration with signatories of the IOSCO MMoU enables the FSC Mauritius and its regulatory counterparts to take proactive actions in the supervision of entities, in the assessment of applications for licences, in instilling a business-friendly and sound environment for industry players and enhancing investor confidence.

FSC Mauritius chief executive Dhanesswurnath Thakoor said: “We will reinforce our commitment to enhance cross-border cooperation and pursue our collaborative approach with international regulatory counterparts in the exchange of information in view of preserving and strengthening the securities markets.”

Contact Nico van Zyl

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