Sovereign’s Private Client Tax Advisory and Tax Compliance Services support high-net-worth individuals, families and trusts worldwide to evaluate and resolve complex tax issues related to income, capital gains, estate and inheritance planning in a cost effective and timely manner.

Our tax professionals, highly qualified and experienced in both UK and Gibraltar, work closely with clients to deliver tailored tax services that will assist them to navigate the complexities of the global tax landscape and to meet all their tax obligations in the most efficient way.

This is particularly important when assets, family members or businesses are located in more than one jurisdiction and subject to multiple, potentially competing, tax and inheritance laws.

Combining local knowledge with an international perspective, our team will assist in analysing risks and identifying options. We will then deliver the strategic advice that is needed to provide solutions to complex tax and compliance issues. We can also assist with enquiries and investigations.

With our in-depth knowledge of trusts, business structures, insurance plans, and savings and pension schemes, we can further help implement such strategies through for integrated tax, business and estate planning.

We always recommend planning ahead. Tax advice taken in good time can save substantial cost in the long term as well as providing considerable peace of mind. It is only once individuals, their families and businesses, fully understand their tax position that they can assess their options and plan effectively to secure their goals.

How Sovereign Tax Services (STS) can help

Sovereign Tax Services (STS) was the first tax adviser to be registered with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC). Specialising in Gibraltar and UK taxation for non-UK resident individuals, STS has the expertise and experience to steer a clear path through often complex legislation and provide joined-up tax solutions in the following key areas – Click here to download more details.



Owners of investment property are legally required to ensure compliance with their tax obligations. This can be challenging when the property is located in a different country to the owner’s country of residency, but with increasing information exchange, the pressure to comply intensifies.

Sovereign Tax Services, can guide and assist landlords by providing the following services for Gibraltar and/or UK property:



Landlord registration with the Gibraltar Income Tax Office and preparation and filing of annual Gibraltar Tax Returns reporting the rental profits. This may include a calculation of any available capital allowances and consideration of any available tax credits for new property rentals. Both Gibraltar and non-Gibraltar resident landlords are legally required to comply with these rules.

On 24 February 2022, the Gibraltar Government announced the launch of its Register of Property Occupation, by commencement of the Register of Property Occupation Act 2021. This Register is fully integrated into the eServices portal, and will provide the Government with an accurate and live record of people who reside in Gibraltar. With effect from 24 February 2022, Gibraltar residents have a legal requirement to register and detail the names of all persons who are residing in their property whether owned by them, rented or licensed by them, within a period of 3 months. For rented property, this requires tenants and landlords to provide details to be maintained in the Register. There are fines for non-compliance. It is highly recommended that landlords of Gibraltar property (whether resident themselves in Gibraltar or not) review their tax arrangements and ensure that they are compliant and up-to-date as soon as possible. Sovereign Tax Services provide Gibraltar tax compliance services to landlords, helping to provide peace of mind that tax affairs are dealt with correctly and are up to date.



Many non-UK residents own UK property, this is often a result of retaining a previous UK residence or having built up a property portfolio in the UK. The UK tax law in this area has changed rapidly and significantly in recent years. This poses challenges for non-UK resident owners who are often unaware of such developments.

Sovereign Tax Services can assist with reviewing the UK tax position in order to plan for the future and to avoid being caught unawares. We can prepare and submit online UK Self-Assessment tax returns, providing peace of mind that tax affairs have been dealt with. A review undertaken in good time can save considerable time and anxiety in the long term.

In particular, Sovereign Tax Services can provide the following services:

For UK property rentals, registration with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as a non-resident landlord (if required) and preparation and online filing of annual UK Income Tax Returns.
For any UK property disposals, we can advise on the position in respect of UK Capital Gains Tax. Advising on the UK Inheritance Tax position in respect of UK property ownership.
Both UK resident and non-resident landlords are legally required to comply with these rules.

Gibraltar Tax Residency – ‘Cat 2’ and HEPSS

Gibraltar Tax Residency – ‘Cat 2’ and HEPSS

Gibraltar offers special tax regimes that are specifically designed to attract HNWIs (Category 2) and High Executives Possessing Specialist Skills (HEPSS). These make Gibraltar a very attractive home for entrepreneurs, for retirees and for suitably qualified individuals and their dependants that wish to enjoy the Mediterranean climate and lifestyle while living in an international finance centre with a favourable tax regime.

Individuals applying under the ‘Category 2’ regime are required to hold private medical insurance (PMI). Through Gibraltar-based Sovereign Insurance Services (SIS), we can further assist with securing competitive PMI, as well as all types of general or life insurance to meet the individual’s insurance needs in Gibraltar.


There are numerous tax aspects to consider when planning for or accessing your retirement savings. This is particularly important when savings and pensions schemes, or other significant assets, are located in more than one jurisdiction and subject to different rules and multiple, potentially competing, tax and inheritance laws.

The levels and bases of taxation, and reliefs from taxation, are subject to change. This could be detrimental to your longer-term retirement plans, reducing the ability to fund your pensions to the extent that you wish, so it is important to get advice.

Different investments will be taxed differently, so when and how you take your income, and in what order, can make a huge difference to your retirement. You need to ensure that you are taking advantage of the various allowances to which you are entitled and decide which investments and assets you draw from first, and which to hold for legacy planning.

Without seeking advice, it can be difficult to know whether a course of action is the most tax efficient way to secure your retirement or estate planning goals, or if it could potentially generate tax problems later. It is also important that the advice you receive is up to date and ongoing.

Combining local knowledge with an international perspective, Sovereign Tax Services provide tax advisory and tax compliance services to non-UK resident pension schemes and their members. Our team will assist in analysing risks and identifying options. We will then deliver the strategic advice that is needed to provide solutions.

We always recommend planning ahead. Tax advice taken in good time can save substantial cost in the long term as well as providing considerable peace of mind. It is only once individuals fully understand their tax position that they can assess their options and plan effectively to secure their retirement goals.

How Sovereign Tax Services (STS) can help

Sovereign Tax Services (STS) was the first tax adviser to be registered with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC). STS specialises in the UK taxation of non-UK resident pension schemes (e.g. QROPS and QNUPS) and their members, and in Gibraltar taxation. STS has the expertise and experience to steer a clear path through often complex pensions legislation and provide joined-up tax solutions in the following key areas – Click here to download more details.


Tax is a key factor in business decisions and taking a proactive approach to tax compliance and risk is essential if your business is to be competitive. Ensuring your business is not just tax compliant but tax efficient is an ongoing challenge, particularly if it is operating across more than one jurisdiction and subject to multiple, potentially competing, tax regimes.

Sovereign’s Corporate Tax Advisory and Tax Compliance Services provide advice on tax strategies for companies and shareholders, enabling our clients to make the most tax-efficient decisions and to structure their business in the best way for growth and risk mitigation.

Our tax professionals, highly qualified and experienced in both UK and Gibraltar, work closely with clients to understand your business and your objectives. Combining local knowledge with an international perspective, our team will assist in analysing tax risks and identifying options.

The range of our corporate tax advice covers tax compliance and reporting across multiple jurisdictions, cross-border transactions, transfer pricing, tax credits and reliefs, group structuring, residence, acquisitions and disposals, VAT, capital gains and utilising double tax agreements. We further provide efficient tax planning for shareholders and passing shares down to the next generation.

We can then deliver the right level of tax support that you need to achieve your goals, from tax consulting to fully outsourced tax compliance services including the preparation of company accounts, company tax returns and tax computations.

We always recommend planning ahead. Tax advice taken in good time can save substantial cost in the long term as well as providing considerable peace of mind. It is only once businesses fully understand their tax position that they can assess their options and plan effectively to secure their commercial goals.

How Sovereign Tax Services (STS) can help

Sovereign Tax Services (STS) was the first tax adviser to be registered with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC). STS specialises in assisting Gibraltar companies with their Gibraltar and/or UK tax position. STS has the expertise and experience to steer a clear path through often complex pensions legislation and provide joined-up tax solutions in the following key areas – Click here to download more details.

Get in Touch

Please contact us if you have any questions or queries and your local representative will be in touch with you as soon as possible.