Content Summary

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  1. European News
    • Maltese Budget sets out financial sector plans
    • Portugal intensifies tax fight
    • Isle of Man Companies Amendment Act comes into Force
  2. USA & Caribbean News
    • Antigua and St. Vincent suspend OECD commitment
    • Bahamas Investment Funds Act comes into force
    • KPMG accused over tax shelters
  3. Far East News
    • China and Hong Kong sign Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement
    • Indian Supreme Court rules on tax treaty with Mauritius
    • Hong Kong views exemption for offshore funds
  4. Legal News
    • Hong Kong Court gives anti-avoidance ruling
    • Guernesey Court penalises trust company
    • FATF sanctions Myanmar
    • OECD removes Nauru
  5. Fiscal News
    • Swiss agree outline deal with OECD over tax practices
    • EU to amend mutual assistance
    • UK Revenue targets offshore subsidiaries
  6. Special Report
    • Cayman commits to EU savings tax Directive
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