The making of Sovereign Place, 117 Main Street, Gibraltar

Gerry Kelly, CEO of Sovereign Group, said of the new office:

“We are extremely pleased with this new space, which brings all of the teams together. The staff are able to bounce ideas off one another so there’s a whole new added social aspect to having all of the office in one place.

The building has been restored with sympathy and sensitivity and so many of the original features have been maintained, making for a great juxtaposition alongside contemporary office aspects. It provides for a very pleasant working environment.”

About the Project

Heredium were privileged to acquire 115-119 Main Street in 2015. The property has significant local heritage interest being located in the heart of Gibraltar Old Town. The property had been family owned and occupied for most of its life. The beautiful original features have been lovingly protected and restored with the new build intertwined with the old. Following a 2 year full development and extension program 117 Main St has been converted into over 1,300 square metres across 5 stories of utterly unique Grade A office space. In recognition of the sensitive development Gibraltar Heritage Trust awarded Heridium Ltd It’s Heritage Award in 2020.

Please download the PDF of the development project here and view the journey taken to transform this amazing building in to the home of Sovereign Gibraltar.

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